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Perseverance – Why We Need It

There are many character qualities that a Christian must have in order to navigate this life successfully. 2 Peter 1:5-11. There are nine character qualities listed in this passage of scripture. I want to talk about one that is  absolutely necessary for a successful walk with God, and is a character quality that can be developed over time. 

That character quality is perseverance. Perseverance is right up there with love and faith in its necessity in the Christian walk. Without perseverance, a believer will not be able to withstand the onslaught of the enemy. Tests and trials would overtake him/her. Perseverance enables us to have staying power in our faith. When we are believing God for one of his promises and waiting on its fulfillment, we must have perseverance until it comes. It’s a trait that permeates our relationships. Without perseverance, many of our relationships would not last. 

What exactly does it mean to persevere, or to have perseverance?

The Greek word for perseverance is hupomone – (hoop-om-on-ay’), and it means: a patient enduring, endurance, steadfastness, cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy. In the New Testament, it’s the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings. Jesus and the Apostles, especially  Paul, fit that description.   

As Christians we have an end goal in mind when we operate in perseverance. There are several reasons for our persevering in this life.

  1. To see the end result of the faithfulness of Christ, ie. Our complete salvation. Hebrews 10:23; 1 Peter 1:5-9; Hebrews 5:9
  2. To receive the promises of God fulfilled in our lives. Hebrews 10:35,36 
  3. Perseverance in sound doctrine will preserve both the teacher and the hearer and ensure salvation. 1 Timothy 4:16
  4. Perseverance builds proven character, and both Godly, and strength of character. Romans 5:3,4
  5. It builds endurance to stand up in the midst of persecution and afflictions. 2 Thessalonians 1:4; 2 Corinthians 1:6
  6. The person who perseveres under trial in the faith, will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised. James 1:12

A Real Life Example of Perseverance

Wilma Rudolph suffered from polio as a child. Polio left her with a crooked left leg. She wore metal braces and had to have treatments for over six years. At age 11, through sheer diligence and determination, she forced herself to walk without braces for the first time. Her older sister was a good runner, and at age 12, Wilma started to think about running. What a decision. She then presented herself with diligence to be a runner. She talked to the coach and asked for a special time.

He said, “I’ll give it to you, Wilma.”

In two years, she outran every other girl in her high school in Clarksville, Tennessee. A year and a half later, she outran every other high school girl in the whole state of Tennessee. Two years later, in 1956, she ran in the Olympics in Melbourne, Australia, and won the bronze medal. Four years later, in 1960, in Rome she was ready. She had paid the price. She won, and she won big. She won the 100 meter dash. She won the 200 meter dash. She anchored the United States relay team and won three gold medals. A lovely little disabled black girl reached for the gold.

In your ministry, are you going for the gold?

-Sermons Illustrated May/June 1989

The whole idea of perseverance, is to learn how to endure patiently without quitting, while under any test, trial, or a time of waiting on unanswered prayer to be answered. A person who perseveres, will not be moved by his/her circumstances. They will only be moved by faith and hope. When you choose to persevere, God meets you with his strength and staying power, in order for you to make a stand and not be moved. James 1:3,4 

God wants us to have perseverance, because it’s one of his character traits. He is long-suffering or able to suffer long, he is patient and is able to endure. Look at how long he has waited before sending his Son back to earth. Jesus hasn’t come back yet, because the Father is patiently waiting for more souls to come into the kingdom. 2 Peter 3:9 Just think what this world would be like if no one had perseverance, it would be a totally different world than we see today.

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