3 mins read

How do you use the words that you speak?

The inner chatter of your soul should not go unchecked. Are you aware of what and how you think about yourself? Many times during the course of the day, we are speaking things that we believe about ourselves based on our inner dialogue or chatter. For example: You might be saying that “I always do that”, or “I can’t do that” and you let that thought go unchecked, without asking the question “Do I really always do that?” “Am I sure that I can’t do that?” Many times you will verbalize what you are thinking without questioning whether or not the statement is true. Proverbs 18:20-21 states, that We are satisfied with the product of our lips, and that we participate in either death or life based upon the words of our mouths.

Your words that you speak both inwardly and verbally do matter. You can use your words for what is positive or negative in your life. Your words produce fruit good or bad. Usually what you are speaking inwardly comes out in the open verbally and what we sow we reap. Words are like seeds that produce a harvest. Words feed our soul and spirit. Jesus stated to the devil when he was being tempted that “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God!” Matthew 4:4 God uses his words to accomplish what he desires to happen in the earth. Isaiah 55:11

You will be held accountable for the words that you speak. Jesus, when dealing with the Pharisees’ statement that he was casting out demons from people with the power of Beelzebul, made the statement that they were to make the tree good and its fruit good, or too make the tree bad and its fruit bad. He went on to rebuke them about the words that they were speaking, and stated that they would give an accounting of everything that they spoke. Matthew 12:33-37 Your words have power to bring forth good or bad fruit, depending on the type of words that you speak. Are you speaking positive faith filled words, or negative fear filled words over your life?

Your words are so powerful, that they can be used to move obstacles out of your way in life. You can speak to your obstacles and tell them to be removed and cast into the sea, and they will obey you. Mark 11:22-24 After Jesus had cursed the fig tree and his disciples saw that it withered, he told them to have faith in God, and that they could speak to a mountain and see it move. Spoken words of faith can move circumstances out of your way.

Your words can make you or brake you; they can produce good or bad fruit, but know that they will produce results good or bad.

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