3 mins read

Trusting In God

In a relationship developing trust is vital to having intimacy with the person that you’re relating to. It is no different with God. In order to have an intimate relationship with God, we have to develop trust with him. When you trust in someone, that means that you put your full confidence in that person, their integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc. It’s having a confident expectation and hope in that person. You believe them to be reliable. God is worthy of our trust. All we have to do is look at his track record, and his attributes, to know that he is worthy of our trust. 

Why should we trust in God?

  1. When we trust in the Lord, he shows us how to cultivate faithfulness, in order to become faithful. Psalm 37:3
  2. When we trust in the Lord, he will direct our path and make it plain to us. Proverbs 3:5-6
  3. When we trust in the Lord, he will exalt and lift us up. Proverbs 29:25
  4. When we trust in the Lord, he will become an everlasting rock, or place of strength and refuge. Isaiah 26:4
  5. When we trust in the Lord, he will move in power on our behalf and do miraculous things. 2 Kings 18 & 19

In Hebrew the word trust means: Clinging onto someone or something for support, or security. To have confidence in, or to be confident in someone or something. To believe in, trust in and rely on someone or something.

God wants us to trust in him instead of ourselves or others. He told Jeremiah the prophet that a person who puts their trust in mankind is cursed. He considers our putting our trust in another person as turning away from him. The person who puts his or her trust in anything other than the Lord will not be truly fruitful in life. God uses the metaphor of a person being like a shrub in the desert and like stony waste places, as the cost of putting their trust in another person. Jeremiah 17:5-8

So why don’t we trust in God? 

Many people look at God as a vengeful person who is out to get them. Some equate God with their experiences with a parent or parents who were abusive. They look at God and think that he’s like themselves. Because people don’t really know the character and nature of God, they see him through their own lens. God wants us to trust him implicitly. He only means good for us in our lives. All we have to do is look at Psalm 23 or Psalm 34:1-10 to see that God is out for our good.

God wants us to have complete confidence in him, to put our complete trust in him for everything that has to do with life. 2 Peter 1:3

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